The Tenant Advisory Board is informing

Dear musicians and tenants,

since the end of march our landlord, GSE gGmbH, is sending out addenda to rent contracts,  which also include a rent increase as part of a stepped rent. A first review indicates a rent increase of about 80% over the next 8 years. 

Considering the restrictions for the creative sector at the moment and the planned new letting of the big room, which could have a heavy impact on the house’ infrastructure, we are very surprised by these measures and object to them with all certainty!

We already received a number of messages from tenants stating their incomprehension and resentment about such drastic raises.

The Tenant Advisory Board will get in touch with the GSE gGmbH and the senate for culture to discuss the planned rent increase. It’s questionable, if the musicians can afford the rent at it’s peak, or whether they want to afford it or not.

The GSE gGmbH has set the date on April 23rd 2021 for the returning addenda and is offering the opportunity for a personal hand-over on April 28th 2021 5:30pm-7:30pm at the

Regarding the given background, it seems recommendable to use the full range of the deadline and not signing anything premature.

We will keep you informed about the ongoing process and the talks with the GSE gGmbH  on our website

Please understand that the Tenant Advisory Board cannot give legal advice. Yet we will, within our means, inform about legal options and report them on our website, too.

Of course, every artist and tenant is free to get their own legal advice  and get in contact with the GSE gGmbH directly (contact information can be found on the GSE gGmbH letters)

Tenant Advisory Board
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